Spring Court to Feature Dr. Julia King April 17
The Spring Court of the Virginia Society is scheduled for April 17 at the Country Club of Virginia’s Westhampton Campus beginning with a reception at 6:00 p.m. Dinner and our speaker will follow. Warriors, guests and ladies are welcome to attend.
The featured speaker will be Dr. Julia King of St. Mary’s College of Maryland who received one of 2023 grants supporting archaeological explorations of colonial era sites along the Rappahannock River. She will discuss “An Indigenous History of Bacon’s Rebellion.” Dr. King’s extensive research along the river’s shore shows the presence of both native American settlements, colonists’ farms and trading sites that prospered around the early European colonial settlement of Virginia. She has 30 years experience studying, writing, and teaching about historical archaeology and Chesapeake history and culture.
Warriors and guests can register by mail (download invite and reply card) but the surest way to guarantee you have places at the Court is to register online for the Spring Court below.