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2021 Fall Court Meets In Person

Forty-two Society for Colonial Wars Warriors and guests celebrated the 126th Fall Court of the Virginia delegation at the Wilton House Annex in Richmond, Virginia, on October 21, 2021.
The assembly recognized a return to in-person gatherings after eighteen months of separation that had interrupted an unbroken line of 125 years of Fall Courts until the worldwide novel coronavirus pandemic made it unsafe to meet in 2020.

The Virginia Society inducted eleven new Warriors at the dinner meeting: Ronald Lee Aldolphi, Stephen Clement, John Frederick Dorman, Lewis Richard Grant, Freeman Eppes Jones, Gerald Wesley Scott, Carter Spalding, Peter Kelly Stimpson, Jeremy Brandon Utt and James John Wheaton. Aldolphi, Grant, Scott and Stimpson were present to receive their Society rosettes. (see photo) Lieutenant Governor Walt Sheffield accepted the rosette on behalf of John Frederick Dorman.

Dorman has been a member of the Kentucky Society since 1948 and is a renowned genealogist, but now in failing health. Lieutenant Governor Sheffield assisted Dorman in his move to Fredericksburg, Virginia and is his contact with the Virginia Society from his home near where Dorman is under medical care.

Additionally, the General Society’s War Cross was presented to Warriors Aldolphi, William Bruce Lake and William Stuchell, III. This recognizes Warriors who have served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States during a period of war or military conflict.

After the election of new officers, new Governor Edward Dana Mitchell received the Society Governor medallion from Deputy Governor General Charles Lewis Grant.


Photos from the Fall Court:


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